100 Proof Press
15 sheets of perforated paper, plus free mini sheets included in every package!
Postage Paper Style #6
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We offer 5 unique designs of perforated paper for creating Artistamps. åÊArtists and stampers in particular, have been creating faux post for years, but true perforated paper has never been widely available. åÊThe 5 styles are arranged to allow generous space for stamping and plenty of border area for additional images and embellishments. åÊEach style has a laser-cut template (sold separately) for the easy creation of backgrounds and masking. åÊAlso available is a coordinating line of Postage Parts. åÊThese sheets of unmounted red rubber contain fancy denominations, correctly sized borders, foreign cancellation marks and word stamps pertaining to the global system of mail delivery!
Postage Paper Style 6 is a åÊ6 inch by 8.5 sheet åÊ-åÊungummedåÊ paper, each individual stamp measures 2.5 inches at the base.